My Process for
Done-FOR-You Projects
and Collaborations.


The act of transferring your thoughts to written words may strike you as easy.

Conversely, you may find writing overwhelming, or it isn’t your favorite thing to do.

Maybe you like to write, but you need communication strategy that will make your message clear, so it connects with your audience.

Regardless of your situation, you may wonder about the process I follow for Done-FOR- or -WITH-You project work.

While every project will meet specific pre-determined needs and goals, each collaboration follows these four steps: 1) Diagnose, 2) Determine, 3) Distill, and 4) Deliver.

My structure is intentional to move your project goal from connection to concept to completion.

How we navigate from point A to B will be influenced by the fluidness of our interactions.

Let’s take a closer look at what happens at the beginning and each step along the way.

Click each tab below to read through my process that flows from Diagnosing Your Needs to Delivering Your Project Work.

Ready to get started now? It all begins with a conversation. Scroll to the bottom and click the button "Answer These Six Questions Now" to start the ball rolling.

From our first hello to our initial call, we are checking each other out to see if a project collaboration is in our future.

Collecting Info.

Before we book a time to talk, you answer a few questions. Your responses help me determine if we might be a good fit for working with each other.

To squelch your curiosity, here are the questions:

  • What are your goals for this project?
  • What would success with this project look like to you?
  • What product(s) or service(s) you are or will offer?
  • What is the URL for your existing or future website?
  • What’s your business size?
  • What budget do you hope will complete your project?*

Your answers to each of these questions will show if you’re a serious contender or just shopping around.

*Your answer about budget will help me see whether our expectations for fees are similar, and does not affect your quote. 

Some people want to know my fees before considering to work with me, which is understandable.

Since copywriting and business coaching are customized services, I charge by projects (NOT by the hour). So it helps me to understand your needs before offering your a fair quote.

If it looks like we might fit well together, I will send you a calendar link to book our initial 30-minute call.

Connecting the Dots.

During our discovery call, I will guide you through questions about your project needs, timelines, and budget. Your answers will help me determine if I might help you reach your goals.

Once we chat, if we’re not the right fit, I promise to point you to another consultant or solution.

Now that I know what you need, it is time to put things in writing and take it to the bank. (Puns intended.)

Put It In Writing.

You’ll receive a high-level proposal with an overview of the project, process, deliverables, success metrics, timing, quote, and signature page.

My standard approach is to work in 3-month commitments with specific deliverables and timelines.

This approach gives workable targets and timeframes instead of never-ending retainers.

NOTE: One-off projects that are time-sensitive and require shorter timelines are always an option for consideration.

Paying to Play.

Payment must occur before project work begins.

The choice is yours:

  • If you pay in full upfront, I will give you a discount.
  • The other option is making monthly payments on or before the first of the month.

I accept wire transfers, Zelle, and bill pay, which are very easy-to-use.

If you need the convenience of paying by credit card, the standard convenience fee will apply.

We will roll up our sleeves and dive in as soon as your eSignature agreement and payment are received.

You will receive my Working Together video that walks you through core components of our collaboration process to ensure our success.

You will also receive proposed dates for our initial kick-off call and any other prescheduled meetings we know we’ll need.

Since good communications strategy begins with research and understanding, we’ll start with a one-hour kick-off call that drills down on the 5Ws and H to:

  • Dive into your target audience problems, needs, and desires
  • Discover information about your project and business
  • Determine WHY someone would benefit from what you’re offering

How deep we go will depend on the type of work we’re doing together.

This substantive step is critical to success because Joyful Copy takes the focus off you while shining the light on your prospects.

Coaching relationships will have a set number of 45-minute interactive calls.

Done-FOR-You clients will receive ongoing updates and periodic update / planning meetings.

How We Get It All Done.

Once the discovery process has begun, you may wonder how much you need to be involved.

Every client relationship is different because the needs vary from project to project and business to business.

While most move back and forth symbiotically until we meet the objective(s), some clients turn everything over to me like a “set it and forget it” Ron Popeil commercial.

We’ll determine what works best for our working relationship shortly after we get started.

Everything we learn through research is used to create the communications strategy and copy you need for your project.

The goal is to distill the words in a manner that seems like you are speaking directly to the person who reads it.

You want prospects to realize you “get them” and know how to help them through your solutions.

Start with the End in Mind.

If I’m writing the project FOR you, I’ll create an outline that maps out our destination and how we get there.

If I’m doing the project WITH you, I’ll show you how to start with the end in mind.

From top to bottom, the outline will create a scannable conversation with a clear call to action.

Write, Review, Revise.

The outline provides the framework for writing your deliverables.

Actual writing starts with headlines, then moves to subheads, body copy, and call to action.

While a lot of work goes into this, know there is a “method to my madness” that works.

Depending on our type of agreement, you’ll either:

  • Get one round of edits to what I’ve written OR
  • I’ll give you feedback on the copy you wrote.

We’ll use my simple and effective review process to catch typos and possible grammatical errors.

We will also pass what is written through at least three frameworks to ensure it is impactful and doesn’t use hype or manipulation.

Either way, your final product will be written to connect with your customers.

Typically, project results include customized a strategic plan, roadmap, or specific copy for your website, landing page, or emails.

Test, Rinse, Repeat.

The only way to make your communication strategy and copy better is to test, revise, and test again.

The more consistent we are about reaching out to your clients, the better we will understand what resonates with them best.

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