Episode 10: Goodness: It May Not Be What You Think It Is

Season #1

While chapter 10 of Joyful Copy unpacks the concept of pure goodness, the content for this episode dives deeper by exploring the nuances between secular goodness and godly goodness, along with practical business applications.

Upon examination, it is easy to see how the lines between good and goodness have blurred while some have worked hard to extract any hint of God from goodness that occurs in today’s marketplace.

Eliminating our Creator from business creates undesirable repercussions, especially for Christ-followers who are called to shine His light in all things.

While many companies use goodness marketing to impact society positively, the underlying quest is rooted in finding ways to attract prospective customers so the company benefits.

On the surface, that approach sounds okay. 

But Christian business leaders know there are ways for godly goodness to permeate the foundation of their companies, customer interactions, and business communications without any self-serving motivations.


In This Episode, We Unpack:

  • 02: 09  The difference between being good and goodness.
  • 05:59  The importance of embracing goodness as a principle in business.
  • 08:14  Examples of companies implementing goodness marketing.
  • 14:18  What The Ultimate How-To Guide says about goodness.
  • 19:24  Ways you can use goodness in your business and marketing communications.


Key Takeaways and Quotes Include:

"Goodness in business involves ethical behavior and values that extend beyond profitability and growth." ~Joy Capps

Goodness marketing focuses on positively impacting society and aligning with causes that resonate with customers.

"Pure goodness in business can be a guiding principle that enhances a company's reputation and long-term success." ~Joy Capps

Godly goodness involves taking a stand for what is right and doing so without putting their own personal benefits or motives first.

Integrating Godly goodness into business and marketing communications can be achieved by treating others with respect, being honest, prioritizing the needs of others, and being a goodness ambassador.


Cited Resources Include:

ChatGPT as a research tool.

80% of customers prioritize value alignment for where they pick to shop. ~Harris Poll

Good Without God by Greg Epstein, Harvard Humanist Chaplain

Ethics without gods by Atheists.org

Joyful Copy: How to Show Up in the Marketplace Ethically and Authentically by Joy Capps

Scripture References: 

Luke 10:25-37, Esther 4, 2 Chronicles 29

Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12, Proverbs 12:22

2 Corinthians 5:20, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Colossians 3:23

Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 4:15, James 1:9


Ready To Weave Godly Goodness Throughout Your Business Communications?

Do you want your business to covertly or overtly take a stand for goodness in the marketplace?

Let's explore ways to weave godly goodness throughout your business communications. It all starts with a conversation.

Book your free discovery call when you visit: joycapps.com/about