Want Clarity, Direction, & Action Steps For Your Next Marketing Plan?

Let's Create Your Customized Spirit-Led Communications Strategy

Are You Tired of Playing the Fire, Aim, Ready Game?

As a visionary business leader, do ONE or MORE of these things sound familiar?

💢 You have SO MANY business ideas it is like THROWING DARTS in the market to see what will stick.

💢 Your constant DOING BEFORE PLANNING tends to CREATE CHAOS that makes it hard to experience success.

💢 You CONFUSE VISION with the DESIRE to EXECUTE QUICKLY, so your team chases after new ideas with CONTINUAL CHANGES.

💢 You MISS OPPORTUNITIES or MAKE ASSUMPTIONS because of not thinking and planning BEFORE doing.

💢 You undertake PLANNING in ISOLATION without input or experienced insights from others.

If you relate to any of these approaches, then NOW is time to end your frustration. 


What IF You Took Time To Plan BEFORE Doing? 

Let's face it, not every idea and project will create a home run or work out the way you desired.

But IF you TAKE THE TIME to think through the strategy and gain perspectives from a few other experts, you will: 

✅ BUILD your CONFIDENCE for getting things accomplished

✅ HONE IN on necessary aspects of your project


✅ REDUCE shiny object syndrome and squirrel distractions

✅ TURN mammoth UNDERTAKINGS into actionable soundbites

✅ BECOME PROACTIVE instead of reactive

✅ GET your PLAN ALIGNED and everyone on the same page


What IF You Invited Holy Spirit Into Your Planning?

Talk About A Game-Changer.

If you try to brainstorm alone or with your team... You could still MISS the mark.

But CONFERRING with The Creator of the Universe FIRST is GUARANTEED to take your marketing strategy and project planning to new heights and:

🔥 PROVIDE His insights and perspectives on your project

🔥 OPEN your heart and mind TO POSSIBILITIES as He REVEALS His best for your project and business

🔥 DELIVER CLARITY on who, what, and how

🔥 CONVEY solutions, collaborations, and conversations you need

🔥 CREATE FOCUS on necessary outcomes and processes

🔥 UNCOVER potential conflicts or roadblocks

🔥 ALIGN your project, marketing, business, and heart with your Creator

🔥 ELIMINATE hype, manipulation, or twisted realities

🔥 RESULT in an actionable game plan

Learn More. Register Now.

Let's Go On A Spiritual Intelligence Treasure Hunt.

Whatever ONE project you’re focused on, the RIGHT SUPPORT to unlock the possibilities and create a game plan is a worth its weight in gold.

Whether you are called to shine God’s light in the marketplace covertly (in stealth mode) or overtly (loudly and proudly), you still need His insights to help you deliver transformations in the marketplace.

When you’re ready to uncover God’s best for your business, this communications planning workshop is for you.

Buy A 1:1 Session Now

What Others Say...

HSP Accounting, Inc.

The strategy session was very helpful. I came away with things I had yet to consider. The amount of detail was invaluable.

Windows of Heaven, Inc.

Joy is on fire for the Lord, and her gifting as a communications strategist is evident in the  strategy she develops and creates for her clients.

PFP Fitness, Inc.

Joy's Communications Planning dove deep below the surface and presented outcomes and processes I hadn't considered. The plan was a great springboard for getting things done.

The Family Collective, Inc.

Joy's deep dive into our project planning opened up possibilities and outcomes we had yet to consider, which was invaluable since marketing communications is not our thing.

Book Your Marketing Plan Customized to Meet Your Project Needs.

Move from vision sharing to specific prayer to a receiving a written plan you can execute or hire someone to do for you.


WALK IN with an open heart and mind.

WALK OUT with a Spirit-Led Communications Strategy to connect with your audience ethically and authentically.

This 1-on-1 INTERACTIVE session is CUSTOMIZED to YOUR specific project. AND Joy will write the plan FOR you.

In this session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • COMPLETE a Pre-Meeting Questionnaire to provide Joy with background about your specific project.
  • RECEIVE Prayer as Joy sits with the Lord about each project and business BEFORE & AFTER your time together.
  • PARTICIPATE in an CUSTOMIZED Q&A session to explore specific questions designed to dig deep and bring Abba Father's clarity to your project.
  • DISCUSS Outcome & Process Goals specific to YOUR project, so you can build, create, and do.
  • DOWNLOAD & LISTEN  to the 90-Minute recording of the session.
  • RECEIVE an easy-to-follow written plan you can execute OR you can hire someone to do for you.
  • SCHEDULE your *30-minute Q&A after you receive & review your final plan.

GETTING INDIVIDUALIZED interaction and dialogue about your specific marketing project? Extremely PRODUCTIVE

PARTICIPATING in a PRIVATE session where it is easier to share challenges, problems, or concerns? Increased COMFORT & PERSONALIZATION

RECEIVING IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK with interactive dialogue focused on YOUR project and needs? Faster PROGRESS

WORKING with a Spirit-Led Communications Strategist? Incredibly BENEFICIAL

Total Value of Partnering with Holy Spirit in Your Marketing Communications? PRICELESS

COST: $650

Here's How Your 1-on-1 Spirit-Led Strategy Session Works.

1) Purchase Your Session. You'll receive a confirmation email with a link to your pre-meeting questionnaire, as well as an email to schedule our time together.

2) Prep For Our Call. Once you complete your pre-meeting questionnaire, I'll review it and start praying about our time together.

3) Participate In Our Session. Together, we'll take a deep dive into all the ideas and listen for God's direction.

4) Review Your Plan. Once I write your customized marketing communications plan, you can schedule a *30-minute follow-up session to ask additional questions. (Typically, you'll receive your written plan within 72 hours after your session.)

5) Finalize Your Plan. This step will find you executing the plan yourself or hiring someone to do it for you.

(*The 30-minute follow-up review is included in this offer.)

Book Your 1:1 Strategy Session Now!

Here's How Your Planning Workshop Works.


You will RECEIVE a confirmation email with details for what's next and a link to the pre-workshop questionnaire


COMPLETE the pre-meeting questionnaire, so I understand your project and  can sit with the Lord about your project

Participate with Joy.

TILL THE SOIL for your project, SEEK HIS HEART for possibilities, & Joy will WRITE your strategy & action steps


USE your Strategic Communications Plan to create, build, & do in alignment. Execute the plan or hire someone to do the work for you.

Book Your 1:1 Strategy Planning Session Today!

Answers To Your Questions...

Have Other Questions? 

Email us and we'll get back to you asap.