Close the Gap Between Marcom Results & Integrity


From Truth to Trust: Tips for Building Lasting Connections

alignment authentic ethical joyful communications joyful copy marketing relationship trust

Fact One: Discerning truth from deception is elusive, especially in our AI-focused society. (Sadly, humans have wrestled with deceptive practices for centuries.)

Fact Two: While many individuals and businesses agree that honesty is important, they secretly and subtly twist the truth to serve their own needs(Have you observed that, too?!)

These points have helped to create many 'authenticity skeptics,' which makes transparency and authenticity in business operations and marketing communications more critical than ever. (Have you become an authenticity skeptic ?! I'm right there with you.)

Sure, numerous studies and stats make a compelling case for the ROI truthfulness can bring to business.

But, Christian business leaders and ethical entrepreneurs who are already taking a stand don't need external reasons to prioritize honesty. Why? Because integrity is an integral part of their standard operating procedure. (Is it already part of your SOP?)

The question is: how do you build credibility and trust with customers? 

Seeking an answer to this question, I learned that when you consistently infuse your marketing communications strategies, content and copy with joyful communications you know, like, trust, and love factor increases exponentially. (Joyful Communications uses marketing best practices filtered through Galatians 5:22-23 and Phil. 4:8.)


5 Tips for Cultivating Enduring Rapport

Let's explore some practical ways to do this:

ONE: Be Transparent from the Start: Set customer expectations by highlighting potential challenges in your products and services. 

For example, my services include teaching ethical entrepreneurs and Christian business leaders ways to market without hype and manipulation. But it requires active participation to achieve results. The difference between knowing and doing presents a challenge for many. (Are you a knower or a doer?)


TWO: Provide Genuine Testimonials: Real, authentic testimonials provide social proof and evidence of positive experiences from others. Sadly, many testimonials are hype-filled, made up and fake. 

But spotting fake reviews can be tricky. Typical clues to look for include making extraordinary claims, no identifiable info (like names or photos), inconsistent details, or poor grammar. You'll start to spot the fake ones easily when you consistently take a closer look at reviews and apply wisdom and discernment. (And make sure the testimonials you share pass the "sniff test.”)


THREE: Substantiate Claims with Data: Before and after scenarios with tangible results will give existing and potential customers a sense of assurance. It all boils down to building credibility with your audience. Ways to do this include:

  • Telling compelling stories with case studies.
  • Offering customer testimonials and soundbites.
  • Being transparent.
  • Citing third-party sources.

For example, a study by Experian showed that personalized emails generate six times higher engagement and transactions. (Now that's a compelling stat for email personalization. Right?!)


FOUR: Show Authentic Understanding: It is easy to fake understanding to get people to do things. Exaggerated language, overemphasis on self, and overly optimistic descriptions without depth are key indicators of false narratives. With that in mind, you'll want to consistently and transparently acknowledge your customers' problems. 

You can do this by sharing your personal experiences and letting them know how you felt when you "walked a mile in their shoes." Actively listen to concerns and incorporate your sincere feedback with easy-to-follow solutions in your response. Take steps to truthfully convert pain points into opportunities by showing heartfelt empathy. (Jesus modeled how to do this through many parables. Consider using a similar storytelling approach.)


FIVE: Avoid Exaggeration: Emotional manipulation is the worst offender that some marketers use to suck buyers in. Some even intentionally use hooks to target specific audiences and sell vaporware. Remember: Being authentic and truthful over time will build your know, like, trust and love factor.

Stick to the facts. Highlight your strengths without hyperbole. Avoid superlatives like "best," "fastest," or "always" without evidence. "Best" according to whom? Your mom? Focus on truthful selling points. (Avoid using the subtle bait-and-switch exaggeration promises you see others making these days.)


Lasting Relationships Are Built on Trust and Authenticity

Want your business relationships to stand the test of time? You will develop lasting connections with your customers when you embrace transparency, empathy, and a commitment to truthfulness. 

To paraphrase Colossians 4:6: Fill all your communications with empathy, understanding, and encouraging truth. Aligning your marketing communications with godly principles is more than a strategic move. It is a moral imperative for every Christian business leader, integrity advocate, and ethical entrepreneur. 

Remember, genuine and honest businesses shine the brightest in a world where truth and grace seem subjective.