Is Your Marketing Missing Authentic Joy? Get Tips 👇🏻

I Made a Mistake. copywriting entrepreneur framework lessons

Three+ decades ago, I made a mistake that changed me. I should have known better, but I wasn’t thinking straight. 

I think I was caught up in the fanfare of everything, so...

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How Do You Use Words? alignment authentic business copywriting entrepreneur writing


Everyone uses words in some form or fashion.

Some use words more than others.

No matter which end of the spectrum you are on, words are an intrinsic part of life because we all use them...

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Does the label match the contents? authentic business copywriting entrepreneur

She was so excited to share her low-carb discovery with me that she texted me a picture of her new find. 

"These cauliflower chips taste so good," she said. "I could eat the entire bag."

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Transformation is the Key business entrepreneur tranformation value

As entrepreneurs, we all have products and services we are driven to share with the world. Each offering meets the needs of specific people in unique ways.

Since the entrepreneurs I support with...

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Are You Just Splooshing Around or Making Real Progress? coaching do entrepreneur ideas roadmap success vision

It's no secret that I’m addicted to water adventures.

(Anytime there’s an opportunity to do something on or in the water—I dive in.)

Our latest excursion involved whitewater...

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Are You a Doer or a Dreamer? coaching do entrepreneur goals


Goals. Dreams. Desires.

We all have them.

Some of us make plans and follow through.

...While others are content to sit on the sidelines and dream about the possibilities.

No matter what...

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The Hidden Success Secret Most Entrepreneurial Business Owners Forget to Do copywriting entrepreneur marketing planning strategy
If you’re the type of person that sits back and expects things to happen for you—then this blog post isn’t for you.

But if you’re the type of entrepreneur that is driven to...
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Dive Into Your Goals Without Shiny Object Syndrome copywriting entrepreneur marketing planning strategy

Everywhere we look people are talking about creating goals for the new year.

At its core, goal creating is about change and transformation.

Creating transformation is a good pursuit anytime —...

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I don't always go diving in January, but when I do... copywriting entrepreneur marketing

You've probably figured out that I'm a copywriter and marketer who is passionate about scuba diving.

Playing the role of an underwater tourist makes me do a happy dance.

Finding lessons from...

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Dive Into Your Past to Move Forward copywriting entrepreneur marketing planning strategy

’Tis the season when everyone reflects on where they have been over the past year.

We all seem to play the reflection game in one way or another.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably...

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