Close the Gap Between Marcom Results & Integrity

Is Your Marketing Missing Authentic Joy? Get Tips 👇🏻

The Two Faces of Marketing: When Persuasion Meets Truth authentic communications connection credibility deceptive ethical joyful communications kindness trust wordsmatter writing tips

Remember the time you were on the hunt for a specific solution and finally discovered two promising options? While you felt a sense of relief, you also faced a dilemma as you had to decide which...

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Is Your Urgency Real, or Is It Memorex? alignment authentic communication copywriting credibility ethical wordsmatter

There I was, stuck in traffic, waiting to turn into my subdivision. Suddenly, I noticed an oncoming car drifting partially into my lane.

Heart pounding, I slammed on the horn, bracing for impact.


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Capture Attention with Pattern Interrupt authentic communications focus joyful copy strategy wordsmatter writing tips

Obnoxious. Loud. Self-Focused. Sad. Unaware. 
These words came to mind as a lady displayed multiple emotional outbursts at a luncheon I attended recently.
"Thank you for...

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Are you tired of compromising your values? authentic business communication faith focus joyful copy strategy transformation wordsmatter

This struck a chord with me last night: 

Authentic Christians cannot hide Jesus.


You see, I’ve spent many years leaving Jesus at the door so I could be accepted by clients and...

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What Buttons Are You Pushing? authentic copy copywriting framework joyful copy wordsmatter writing tip

I can't believe what he said. Did you read that?

Without skipping a beat, the words he read created anger and action.

The next thing you know, he donated to the campaign and made a point to tell...

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How Will You Respond? alignment authentic copy copywriting wordsmatter

Finding a way to save lives from an invisible virus is key to our success as a human race.

We aren’t watching an action thriller movie.

Coronavirus is happening in real-life around the...

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