Is Your Marketing Missing Authentic Joy? Get Tips 👇🏻

How Life Imitates Deceptive Copywriting Practices copywriting deceptive
Like most, the pandemic hit these people hard because they couldn't work as waiters or cooks like they usually did. And even if they could, the money they earned wasn't providing what they wanted....
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What Buttons Are You Pushing? authentic copy copywriting framework joyful copy wordsmatter writing tip

I can't believe what he said. Did you read that?

Without skipping a beat, the words he read created anger and action.

The next thing you know, he donated to the campaign and made a point to tell...

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Persuasion vs. Manipulation authentic business copy credibility virtual summit
Manipulation and persuasion date back to the Garden of Eden when seductive words made a forbidden fruit enticing.
It is hard to avoid the two concepts because they have become part of societal...
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FREE Virtual Summit
If you're a Christ-follower with a business, then THIS Virtual Summit is for YOU!

The lineup of speakers will bless your socks off. WHY? Because each one partners with Jesus in their business in...
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I Made a Mistake. copywriting entrepreneur framework lessons

Three+ decades ago, I made a mistake that changed me. I should have known better, but I wasn’t thinking straight. 

I think I was caught up in the fanfare of everything, so...

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Fear versus Love: Which thread are you pulling for sales? copywriting joyful copy writing

Did you know fear is a sell-tactic used by many in today’s marketplace?

Don’t believe me? Google phrases like “use fear to sell” or “how many people use fear to...

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Is Your Writing Clear? copy tips writing

Just the other day Robert and I were in the kitchen, and with his back to me, he said: "Will you hand me that?"

"Hand you that what?" I asked.

He turned around and said, "Will you hand me that...

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Want to Get Unstuck? Do These Things... business success tips writing

Does consistently writing about your business seem like a hurdle to overcome?

From sleep deprivation to not enough hours in the day—the list of excuses…err, I mean 'competing...

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Does Your Business Message Convey 5-star Dining or Fast-Food? business copywriting marketing messaging

Imagine that we hopped on a call, and I asked, "What do you do?”

Would you have to think about how to respond? Or would you know what to say immediately?

There is no wrong answer because we...

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How to Make Frustration Work for You Instead of Against You 
 copy copywriting marketing strategy writing tip

Life seems filled with a long list of frustrations. In the past few days alone, my list of toestubbers keeps growing at a rapid pace.

From the client who struggles to follow-thru with a...

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Communication Lessons from My Pain copywriting lessons likability persuasion strategy writing

Do you find it harder to remember things (unless you write them down) or get easily distracted (unless you block out focus time)? Sometimes I do, too. 

Information overload seems like a...

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Why Sales and Marketing Copy is Like Dating copy copywriting marketing sales strategy

Have you ever met someone who jumped straight from hello to a marriage proposal?

I think we all have encountered that in one way or another. 

Here’s What Happened...

I was living in...

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