Is Your Marketing Missing Authentic Joy? Get Tips 👇🏻

Build Trust & Authentic Connections Through Email Marketing alignment authentic communications faith joyful communications marketing relationship writing tips

Have you ever sparked someone's interest with your thoughts, products, or services? 

Maybe you scratched an itch by offering solutions to their challenges. Next thing you know, they're eagerly...

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From Truth to Trust: Tips for Building Lasting Connections alignment authentic ethical joyful communications joyful copy marketing relationship trust

Fact One: Discerning truth from deception is elusive, especially in our AI-focused society. (Sadly, humans have wrestled with deceptive practices for centuries.)

Fact Two: While many...

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An Antidote to Deceptive Communications Tactics alignment authentic communications credibility deceptive framework joyful communications joyful copy marketing writing tips

Look around and the cacophony of competition for attention is easy to see in today's business landscape. Doesn't it seem like it has reached a deafening pitch?!

From grandiose claims to outlandish...

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Give Like Santa Year-Round? Do This. communications copywriting marketing writing tips

My last two blog posts offered you TEN tips to help your content Dance Like Frosty and Shine Like Rudolph(If you missed them, you'll want to click the corresponding hyperlinks.)


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Make Your Content Shine Like Rudolph communications copy marketing writing tips

My previous post gave you five tips for infusing your copy with Frosty's Spirit. (If you missed it, you may want to go check it out.)

Now let's look at creating marketing copy to "Shine...

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5 Ways To Make Your Marcom Dance Like Frosty communications copy marketing tips writing tips

Holiday sentiments are abundant right now, but this one caught my eye:

Dance like Frosty.

Shine like Rudolph.

Give like Santa.

Love like Jesus.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could weave this type...

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Capture Attention with Pattern Interrupt authentic communications focus joyful copy strategy wordsmatter writing tips

Obnoxious. Loud. Self-Focused. Sad. Unaware. 
These words came to mind as a lady displayed multiple emotional outbursts at a luncheon I attended recently.
"Thank you for...

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The Best Way To Make Things Happen alignment communications framework ideas marketing plan planning spiritual intelligence workshop

There are those who do and create quickly without thinking... and those who analyze every angle possible before moving forward.

Some get stuck in a state of overwhelm because they don't know where...

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Planning BEFORE Doing alignment framework goals plan planning roadmap spiritual intelligence strategy workshop

Most sources say strategic marketing planing became a thing between 1952 and 1964.

But strategic planning is discussed throughout The Ultimate How-To Guide (aka The Bible), which is over 3,400...

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Is Showing Kindness A Means To An End? alignment ethical kindness podcast strategy

Some view showing kindness as a means to an end, especially in business for sales and marketing.

The theory is to 'be kind so people will do what you want.'


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Another AI Hoodwink Strikes Again alignment artificial intelligence authentic business communications copywriting marketing spiritual intelligence transformation

When my coaching call ended, I took my two energetic fur-kids outside to play ball for 5 minutes.


The temperature felt "pleasant" (for Florida), BUT dark rain clouds loomed overhead with the...

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Are you tired of compromising your values? authentic business communication faith focus joyful copy strategy transformation wordsmatter

This struck a chord with me last night: 

Authentic Christians cannot hide Jesus.


You see, I’ve spent many years leaving Jesus at the door so I could be accepted by clients and...

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